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The latest news from Air Testing UK

Manchester completes 69No. new low-carbon council homes

Redevelopment of the brownfield site by Rochdale Canal in Newton Heath.

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Performance Feedback

We have had some great feedback from one of our clients!

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GMI Charity Fundraising

Air Testing UK are proud to be supporting GMI construction by donating to their fundraiser for the Property for Kids.

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Zero Carbon Homes, Wiltshire

We have been working closely with Green Power House on a Zero Carbon project in Wiltshire.

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Isle of Wight Pavilion

We have been working closely with Millimetre and Níall McLaughlin Architects on a new private project in the Isle of Wight.

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Riverside House, Salford

Air Testing UK are proud to have been involved with #RiversideHouse in Salford.

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Harrier Park, Hucknall

Air Testing have been working alongside GMI Construction on the Harrier Park, Hucknall project.
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Booths Park, Knutsford

Air Testing have been working alongside GMI Construction on the Booths Park, Knutsford project.
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Excelsior Works, Manchester

Air Testing UK have been working alongside GMI Construction on the Excelsior Works project.
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Rose Hill Gardens, Merseyside

Air Testing UK are working alongside Wainhomes to complete the Air Leakage Testing on the Rose Hill Gardens project.
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Lancaster Sports Hall

Air Teting UK have been working alongside Conlon Construction on the Lancaster Sports Hall Extension.
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Transmission House, Manchester

Air Testing UK have been working alonside Domis Construction in order to complete air testing works on their Transmission House project.
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